An almighty departure from reality, newly-launched Kingdom of Razz is a shiny new concept store with a distinctly surreal flavour. All items for sale are ‘living’ artefacts from a wild and woozy parallel universe.
Pop Pop created a slightly bonkers tone of voice for the brand. And also a tone of voice for each of the artefacts.
Curious? Check it out: KingdomOfRazz.com
“Best buddies, sitting together, stark naked, loving it. Some say we’re away with the fairies. We say yeah, fairies are cool.
We’re a pair of mid-century brass frog shelf-sitters. Fancy hanging out in the buff with us?”
“My twin bro’s a hologram, a proper deviant, tells the filthiest jokes. Cracks me up. Made me laugh so hard my eye popped out!
Me? I came out of Clown Town more mellow, you know? I like wearing pastels, juggling soft bouncy balls and making really good hallucinogenic lavender-star ice cream. You want some?”